Noble Few LEMC

Constitution and By-Laws Overview

(click Here for the full text of our By-Laws)

The History of our Club Name

The history and meaning behind the Name of the Noble Few LEMC is as follows: Noble Few was organized to allow members of a select group of individuals who serve, or have served, their country, state or local communities in a law enforcement, military, fire, EMS or other first responder capacity in an honorable, moral, and ethical manner. The members consist of those individuals who are, or have been, privileged to dedicate themselves to supporting the laws and constitution of our land and ensured the freedoms of the citizens they pledged to protect and serve. Noble being privileged and Few being a select group belonging to a brotherhood that understands the meaning of supporting each other, having each other’s back and a love for God and country.

LEO Requirement

The Club will maintain at least 55% law enforcement Membership to ensure the Club’s LE status.  This is to ensure the safety of the Club and its Members. The remainder (45%) will be comprised of Military, Fire, EMS or other First Responders capacity in an honorable, moral, and ethical manner


Motorcycle Requirements

All Noble Few LEMC members, including Prospect Members, must own and operate a cruiser style motorcycle of 600cc or above (no sports bikes).  Members must possess a valid motorcycle operator's license or permit, along with current motorcycle insurance (proof must be submitted).

Mandatory Prospect Period

All members of the Noble Few LEMC will observe a mandatory Prospect period of no less than three months.  Chapters may choose to impose longer periods for Prospects for vetting purposes.

Nomad Requirements

Nomads will be allowed providing there are no active chapters established within reasonable distance of the Nomads geographic location.  All Nomads, however, will be required to be affiliated with the closest Noble Few chapter to their geographic location (i.e. a Nomad is residing in Nebraska and the closest Noble Few chapter is located in Kansas, the Nomad will be an affiliate of the Kansas chapter).